Google Core Update: September 2019 – E intelligence Blog
Google once again has released a statement suggesting a core update, named September 2019 to avoid any confusion as it happened with the March update.
Take a look at what Google said:
This is a pre-announcement, a second time after the June 2019 core update, that Google has released. Is it going to become a regular occurrence?
Danny Sullivan had something to say about the Google announcement as well.
With each update, the chance of your website tumbling down or gaining popularity increases. Going into the details of the search ranking algorithm update will help us in figuring out if the changes in the website affect your position or just the changes in Google.
Webmaster outreach is being taken more seriously by the day, and we must keep track of what’s happening.
If you need a memory refreshment as to the guidance that Google has provided related to all its updates, here it is:
- Rankings may drastically drop or gain.
- To stay away from the after-effects of the updates, it is a must to provide high-quality content.
- There aren’t any specific targets, just an overall improvement in the working of Google’s system.
- There are no guarantees even when improvements are made. That said, no improvements would guarantee no recovery.
- Penalization of pages dropped in ranks is not a thing. They shall be reassessed against other content available on the Internet, published after the last Google update.
- With each month a new broad update shall roll out. Site recovery may not work until the next update as well.