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Google Search Generative Experience (SGE): Power of AI on SERPs and Its Impact on Search Experience

Google recently unveiled an experimental AI-integrated search engine called Search Generative Experience (SGE). While this may not seem exciting initially, SGE could have profound ramifications for SEO and online marketing strategies. At the recent Google I/O conference held on May 10th, 2023, the VP Engineer at Google, Cathay Edwards, announced an experimental version of Google’s new search engine, SGE or Search Generative Experience.

With the launching of SGE, the digital landscape for digital marketers and business owners has changed drastically. Businesses with massive opportunities in AI searches can use SGE strategically to benefit from it by reaching potential customers at the right time. To get the best results from Google search generative experience, it’s recommended to connect with e intelligence now. We are the leading digital marketing agency to offer comprehensive SEO services focused on Search Generative Experience. 

SGE was launched to optimize the search interface and make it more efficient and comprehensive to offer a better experience to users actively using artificial intelligence. It is an experimental search feature that generates answers to users’ queries. This article will look at what SGE is, its differences from traditional searches, and the potential effects it could have on how audiences discover and engage with brands online.

What is Google’s Search Generative Experience?

At its core, Google search generative experience is a search engine that utilizes generative AI to answer queries in more natural and conversational language. It does not replace existing results but serves as a complement to them; SGE leverages multiple Large Language Models such as MUM and PaLM2 from Google to determine the most appropriate response to any given query. These LLMs have been trained specifically to provide objective answers that do not come from an authoritarian standpoint.

When the query is entered into Google, the SGE engine provides a generative AI snapshot with links for deeper considerations. For example, when searching “sneaker shoe,” its snapshot displays product details and reviews from multiple sources before clicking to open up conversational mode featuring a chatbot-style interface to prompt follow-up questions; whenever additional context/questions come up again, the SGE engine keeps prior context/questions in mind when responding with responses.

SGE also utilizes its Knowledge Graph and Shopping Graph to deliver relevant results to its users. When someone searches for “sneaker shoe,” SGE will present the Google search results page with store locations where they can buy the shoes without showing a sponsored result at the top of a people also ask carousel on the right side. SGE stands out by conducting sales directly through its search engine, making for an intriguing concept. 

SGE plans on offering services like restaurant online ordering and airline ticket purchasing alongside AI answers; this feature may potentially deprive larger websites of traffic while benefiting smaller websites that provide new sales capabilities directly to consumers. Google will also test an AI-powered search result that highlights products from different sources and showcases information from them all at once. Connect with e intelligence to learn more about SGE-based SEO optimization for websites.

It will be interesting to observe how these new features influence traditional Google SERP and whether SGE results can ever outshout or surpass them in ranking. As the company further explores this format in its labs, marketers must ensure they have optimized their content and e-commerce offerings for SGE in order to remain competitive as it enters public release. This is particularly crucial once beta tests conclude and SGE becomes widely available.

What is the Google Search Lab?

Google is testing new ways to improve search with generative AI, offering users an early glimpse of these features through its Search Lab division. Users have access to “hundreds of quality tests and experiments,” according to the company; some may become permanent parts of its main search experience; occasionally, native ads will even be tested in separate ad slots that clearly distinguish themselves from organic search returns.

In May this year, Google unveiled an innovative feature called Search Generative Experience (SGE). When users enter queries into either their website or app search bar on Google Search, a blue box expands with ai generated search answers, similar to Bing and Microsoft’s chatbot software. Users can ask follow-up questions through an AI interface and see the source materials contributing to each answer generated.

Google Search Lab is a newly-launched and highly innovative program for users to try and experiment with SGE or Search Generative Experience and share their personal experiences with the team. This will help Google make needful changes in the program and improve it in all possible directions. This includes AI generated search experience available in Chrome on desktop systems and the Google app on iPhones and Android cellphones.

New Google Search Generative Experience is available to people with Google accounts in the United States by visiting the Search Labs homepage. However, some visitors may encounter an error message stating, “Search Labs isn’t available right now for your account.” That message could indicate that Google is currently testing SGE; more accounts should become eligible over time. However, the quality and the overall availability may vary from time to time and account to account.

Google plans on gathering feedback on these experimental capabilities to gauge user opinion on whether or not to implement them universally. While some features could eventually make their way into its new Google search engine, others may never reach that stage. Search Labs has offered several experiments available to the public since its debut. With Google working its way through feedback, trials, and updates for SGE, we can expect a better and far more efficient search experience.

What makes up Google’s Search Generative Experience?

Google is making waves in search with its newly introduced generative AI search experience dubbed Search Generative Experience (SGE), designed to deliver at-a-glance AI generated search results curated from across the web. It is designed to answer questions conversationally with context carried through from question to answer. Digital marketers anticipate increased visibility and click-through rates from organic and paid search results.

Generative AI Experience

Image: Google / David Pierce

AI Snapshot

Traditional search results tend to rely on PageRank algorithms and may include sponsored results; with the new Google Search Generative Experience, however, users receive an AI-powered generated snapshot that meets their direct query by answering all of the information relevant to that query. SGE remembers your original query, so you can modify your search without having to retype everything again. This will make the search experience more conclusive and easy for the users.

Furthermore, SGE’s summary answer carousel seeks to display clickable tiles that link directly to third-party resources that helped create its AI generated search snapshot or contain more pertinent information for a query. Some critics argue this feature resembles content theft or plagiarism due to not clearly listing sources like footnotes in the text itself compared with Bing chat in search which lists sources within footnotes in each message.

SGE snapshot answers typically fill most of a mobile screen and do not usually include sitelinks, people also ask, knowledge panels, or organic results normally seen on traditional Google SERPs. But recently, since introducing SGE, Google has begun showing links directly in snapshot answers. This remarkable change may roll out more widely, though when this change may happen remains unknown. Is your website ready for AI generative Google search results page? Contact e intelligence now to learn more!

Conversational Mode

Google can assist with more complex multi-angle questions by presenting key details and suggesting additional queries to ask to delve deeper. For instance, when asked “how many people visit Bryce Canyon annually,” an authoritative article may respond that 1.5 million visit. Asked again: “How do I know if Bryce Canyon is the best national park for families with kids?” You might receive several trusted articles that answer this query.

Google’s search with generative AI feature will also highlight sources in its results and allow you to click a button for more citations or details about an answer – one way in which they hope to distinguish themselves from ChatGPT and similar tools that have already been accused of plagiarism or content stealing. Digital marketers and SEO services providers should keep an eye on this new tool as it could alter how SEOs compete on SERPs. 

Google has not yet revealed how it will balance this new search tool with existing algorithms for queries concerning Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) topics; in any event, its impact may take time to fully develop; businesses, in the meantime should reevaluate how they add context to their content by including anecdotes or real-life experiences into it, providing detailed answers and providing different points of views to help readers find what they need.

Vertical Experiences

Google Search Generative Experience is an innovative feature created to offer interactive AI answers in addition to traditional search results. The opt-in experiment works like a conversational bot but with the added capability of providing contextually relevant responses based on original queries while recalling their origin and context. It’s vital to arm your website with the best-suited and SGE-oriented SEO optimization for website to offer a better search results experience to the end users.

SGE also utilizes a large language model to further optimize, fine-tune, and deliver tailored results to users throughout their information journeys. Their generative AI tool offers various answers that may assist in providing solutions to complex queries, including If the query is something more specific like, “How many visitors visit Bryce Canyon National Park annually,” SGE can quickly provide a trustworthy article with this data and then allow users to ask to follow up questions.

SGE holds immense potential to transform our internet usage and search engines, including search engines like Google. It could reduce the number of searches required to locate what you need, providing relief to anyone tired of wading through irrelevant search results. Furthermore, this platform will open up opportunities for advertisers and online businesses who wish to advertise or sell products more efficiently online.

Google search generative experience or SGE goes even further by creating dynamic Knowledge Panels for Entities and other entities for which it has enough information to produce an insightful and helpful SGE response. Eventually, it’s about how much it understands and trusts the available information that will determine SGE’s ability to develop and deliver detailed descriptions, follow-up questions, and Knowledge Panels Cards to its end users.

What does Google’s Search Generative Experience mean for businesses?

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) introduces AI results into the flagship Google search engine, creating an experiment with the potential to change how we use search engines and what that means for businesses. If you are a business looking to harness the power of SGE at its best, connect with e intelligence right now. We are the leading digital marketing agency known for our proven, practical, and result-fetching online marketing and SEO services globally. Book your free consultation today!

Google SGE employs a Large Language Model to interpret user queries and generate accurate responses using online information and showing them on the new Google SERP. It aims to provide more relevant results faster, without users needing to search pages of websites for what they need. Furthermore, users can ask additional questions about the answers provided, allowing them to further narrow their searches without starting over from scratch.

Google and its products, including SGE, constantly adapt based on user feedback and usage patterns. As this occurs, SGE will likely improve in functionality and accuracy over time – an indication of its central role in SEO’s future development; accordingly, content and SEO strategies for website must continue to develop. Hiring a leading digital marketing agency to drive its way to the top of SGE results will be highly beneficial for businesses.

Though Google Search General Engine (SGE) initially displays mostly educational results with informational intent, it’s likely to expand its offerings by including shopping and local results above the fold in SGE to make them competitive with traditional organic search. Furthermore, SGE may eventually display paid ads, local listings, shopping ads, and organic results. This will change the way businesses compete with each other through the digital landscape.

This development is thrilling for marketers and should be closely observed. Google appears to be shifting toward a more conversational, and AI generated search experience for searchers. Businesses should prepare to adapt to this shift in how searchers engage with their brands in the future. Furthermore, this new strategy may necessitate adjustments in SEO strategy that focus on creating contextually relevant content over simply matching keywords to queries – this change will have major ramifications on SEO strategies as businesses must learn how to adapt to the new SGE landscape.

Pros and Cons of Using Search Generative Experience

Search Generative Experience, or SGE is Google’s newest way of presenting search results, using AI technology to enrich queries with different perspectives and additional resources. SGE can significantly impact organic search results, prompting digital marketing experts to adjust their SEO strategies for website accordingly. Here, we explore both advantages and disadvantages associated with SGE use. Set your virtual call with one of our SEO experts at e intelligence now to learn more!

Pros of Using Google Search Generative Experience

Search Generative Experience (SGE) is a new Google search AI attempt to bring artificial intelligence (AI) into search engine results pages. This new tool helps people quickly locate information by providing a summary of pertinent material instead of linking directly to individual websites; users may even ask follow-up questions and receive personalized answers! Connect with e intelligence and discuss your SEO goals for your business to get the best-suited SEO optimization for website. Contact us now!

SGE uses human-generated content and machine learning to produce search results displayed as colorful boxes that are hard to miss. SGE draws information from multiple sources based on facts, recommendations, images, etc. If someone searches “best dog-walking service near me,” for instance, SGE will provide them with a list of agencies offering such services and their public testimonies; their answers would also be quick, concise, and easy to understand.

Another noteworthy advantage of SGE lies in its capacity to offer actionable next steps. SGE recommends further research for any complicated topics. When searching for more information on a specific subject matter, SGE might suggest reading certain books or websites, watching certain videos, or speaking to specific experts, as this could help keep individuals from becoming overwhelmed or confused by an overwhelming abundance of available data on any given issue.

A major benefit of using SGE is that it can enhance search results by decreasing the number of websites needed to locate what you need, potentially cutting back on wasted clicks on unhelpful or irrelevant results and leading to more targeted advertisements. It should be noted, however, that SGE won’t replace traditional organic search results; high-quality sites with strong content must still rank well on Google. Planning your SEO strategies for website as per SGE is highly recommended!

Google Search Generative Experience, or SGE for short, aims to enhance users’ search journey by offering intuitive and contextually relevant results. Rolling out after recent quality updates, SGE allows users to explore various angles of their query without entering additional keywords – AI-powered capabilities will have a major effect on how audiences discover brands; SaaS SEO managers and content marketers must adapt their strategies to remain visible within this changing search landscape.

Cons of Using Google Search Generative Experience

Generative AI is an invaluable resource that can improve Google search results page. However, there are certain restrictions and constraints you should keep in mind before using this approach. Google’s generative AI models may misinterpret certain information or provide biased content that implies certain personas. Furthermore, these AI systems often struggle to accurately recognize a searcher’s true intention and might produce responses that don’t meet their specific goals.

SGE also lacks links that enable users to dig deeper into topics, which can be confusing and frustrating for users. Imagine searching for dog-walking services – typically, this would involve breaking it down into several steps with information collected from various sources; with SGE, you will only see an abbreviated summary with links leading deeper. Being AI generative, SGE may not always come up with the right results on the first attempt, making users try more than once to get the desired results.

SGE features an interactive conversation mode that enables you to ask follow-up questions and obtain additional data about any snapshot you select. Similar to OpenAI ChatGPT or Google Bard, SGE supports this feature when applicable; however, at launch, this option was not always available for all queries.

SGE is intended to complement existing search results rather than replace them, meaning paid ads will continue to appear in their slots on SERPs with distinctive labels to distinguish them.

Brands focused on answering specific queries can use SGE to increase visibility in organic search results and drive clicks – however, this shift towards conversational searching requires businesses to invest both time and resources into creating SGE-specific content as well as strategies for SEO optimization; those failing to adapt risk losing clicks from both organic and sponsored search results which could have serious ramifications on revenue or profitability.

SGE was designed to offer users more accurate, useful information than traditional search engines; however, there can still be drawbacks, such as inaccurate or misleading generative answers, which can significantly diminish user experiences. Given these constraints, SEO professionals should keep an eye on how SGE may impact user search behavior and brand search strategies – particularly marketers relying on paid search traffic to drive visitors to their websites and businesses.

Final Outcome – Balancing Between The Pros & Cons of Google’s SGE

Google Search Generative Experience aims to give context and fresh perspectives to search queries that would otherwise go unnoticed by users. While SGE shouldn’t replace traditional searches or research altogether, it can help users better comprehend complex topics while saving time by providing an AI-powered summary of search results. Businesses will find that the introduction of generative AI into search can open up new opportunities to reach consumers and increase industry visibility. 

SEO specialists must devise SEO strategies for website to rank high in SGE results while still drawing click-throughs and traffic to their websites and prioritize producing content with value for customers and prospects alike. Due to generative AI’s dependence on large datasets, its outcomes may be affected by unanticipated biases and issues not immediately apparent to users. To prepare your business website for SGE, get in touch with e intelligence for our SGE-focused digital marketing and SEO services.

Marketers must also find innovative ways to add context and relevance to search results, which could radically transform consumer behavior and necessitate marketers’ preparation now for the potential of generative AI. Another cause for concern is that artificial intelligence could replace humans when answering certain queries, which could pose issues for businesses. Marketers must remain mindful of how their search results are displayed by analyzing analytics data.

However, Google has yet to explain exactly how SGE will fit into its overall search results strategy. It remains unknown whether queries that return SGE results will be impacted by its Your Money or Your Life guidelines – which prohibit sensitive information being displayed as search results – or local searches. Yet, advertisements will continue to appear in dedicated ad slots throughout the results pages. One thing is certain SGE will be a game-changer in the digital marketing landscape.

How Is SGE Different from SERP?

Google’s AI search engine, SGE, has recently been testing out a novel way to answer user queries. Instead of showing multiple website snippets as it does in featured snippets of Google search results page, SGE provides an AI-powered snapshot that is directly related to their query. Furthermore, Unlike SERP, SGE remembers and stores initial user queries more inclusively, so they can be modified without needing to reenter or retype their initial request.

Unlike Google SERP, SGE can also provide an answer list when answering queries about products, services, and businesses. Digital marketers have noted that this approach is often used when researching specific items. A search result produced by SGE includes details about the query, reviews from users, and other important details right on the first screen. This helps users get what they are looking for without scrolling through the page or clicking any website links.

These SGE results aren’t only informative and comprehensive; they also have the power to influence search behavior. Their solutions may encourage users to expand on existing queries or explore related subjects that they hadn’t considered previously, leading them to refine or change their queries altogether. This is largely absent from the search results we are getting right now by using the existing Google SERP tool. 

The existing Google SERP lacks a snapshot feature. SGE’s snapshot is unique because it includes source links of websites used to back it up; each sentence becomes clickable links that users can click. This gives users complete transparency over what’s inside, building trust in its contents. Unfortunately, however, not all search queries support AI answers; certain queries don’t allow enough information for AI answers to be generated. This is not the case with the SERP results.

SGE’s carousel sits atop traditional SERP features like People Also Ask boxes, videos, local packs, recipes, events, and more. SEOs believe this may eventually force traditional search results down as AI snippets take up more real estate on the page. Get in touch with e intelligence to learn more about the difference between SERP and SGE and how your business can prepare itself for both – to achieve desired results with our result-oriented SEO services. Contact us now!

At present, the top of SERPs is filled with an SGE snapshot. You can think of this as a new type of featured snippet. Sometimes this snapshot will also include organic search results from websites SGE believes provide additional information regarding that topic. In other cases, SGE has replaced all other SERP features at the top. It’s just a matter of time before end users will use SGE globally to find the answers to their queries.

How Will SGE Impact User Search Behaviors’?

Google claims its SGE will keep people coming to websites for quality information and insights, prioritizing users in how it ranks search results in Google SERP. Direct queries that provide immediate results with links to relevant sources will get fast, effective responses similar to what can currently be seen on search pages. This will mirror what has become the “featured snippets” seen during searches. Let’s see how Google Search Generative Experience will impact user search behavior at a glance:

Intent-Based Search

Users searching with informational intent typically seek more knowledge about a topic. These queries usually lead to longer, more comprehensive content that helps them gain in-depth knowledge about the subject. SGE can be especially advantageous to e-commerce businesses when users search with informational intent, as it provides AI-generated summaries which include product listings on the top row. At the same time, traditional SERPs typically show only news stories and top stories as results on page one.

As SGE becomes more prominent, brands must focus on aligning their content with searcher intent by conducting thorough keyword research and analyzing user queries in order to provide the most helpful answers possible. A strong brand presence will allow searchers to easily differentiate authoritative from non-authoritative material while making it simpler for people to click through and visit businesses or products.

Concise Answers

SGE can answer queries such as, “What are the differences between lions and bobcats?” or “How can I plan a three-day trip to New York City” with just one AI-powered snapshot by tapping PaLM 2, Google’s latest large language model. Similar to Google Shopping, SGE allows users to compare products or services that best suit their unique requirements by drawing upon information from both Google Shopping and the Knowledge Graph.

Though SGE results may be less click-worthy, SEOs and content marketers must continue their focus on producing comprehensive and authoritative articles optimized for featured snippets to remain competitive in this evolving search experience. B2C companies should explore conversational SEO optimization for website by creating FAQ sections and using natural language in their content to position themselves for follow-up questions related to their product or service being promoted. 

Contextual Answers

Organic traffic may decrease as SGE results become the top priority, especially on mobile, where AI snapshots fill most of the screen. Google asserts they take care to highlight sources for answers to continue sending traffic while upholding user choice and trust. SEOs and content marketers should hone in on optimizing featured snippets that provide quick answers to popular queries as SGE increases in prevalence. To do this successfully requires creating comprehensive articles with a strong emphasis on E-E-A-T to offer unique perspectives that cannot be fully captured with AI snapshots.

SGE provides a conversational mode to allow users to ask follow-up questions while maintaining the context of their original query. Commercial searches also use PaLM (Path-Augmented Language Model), with its potential to drive additional e-commerce traffic for businesses selling relevant products – which in turn results in increased real estate and visibility that leads to higher click-through rates. To get the best-suited SEO services for your business, contact e intelligence now!

Conversational Mode

Conversational mode

Source: TechCrunch

Conversational search engines allow users to interact directly with the system in their natural language and receive results in an engaging format – as opposed to traditional keyword searches, which deliver search results as text or voice files that do not spark meaningful dialogue. During a conversation, CAs use user keyword triggers to understand their intent and produce tailored responses tailored specifically for that user, creating an experience more humanlike for both parties involved.

Deception theories indicate that those engaging in deceit will exhibit longer response latency and hesitation to cover their lies; however, our findings suggest that engaging in more humanlike conversations may increase deception as people employ strategic behaviors to avoid detection. Our research also shows that user experience during the conversational search is greatly influenced by how many follow-up questions an agent asks; thus, a well-designed CA should strive to balance follow-up questions with user expectations to maximize interaction.

Follow-Up Questions

Google SGE uses generative AI to augment search queries with additional context and information, providing users with new perspectives while simplifying complex topics. The summarizations created can also alter behavior during vertical searches like shopping and local business results searches. SGE provides users with an AI-powered response that appears as a snapshot at the top of SERPs, enabling them to ask further inquiries in conversational mode or explore source links for deeper insight. 

SEOs and content marketers must ensure their content aligns with user intent so it will appear in SGE.

SGE can also display transactional products for search experience searches directly within its search experience. In this way, SGE may level the playing field between larger websites that offer more streamlined e-commerce shopping experiences and smaller ones that provide easier shopping without sending users off to third-party sites.


Google is still fine-tuning its newly launched Search Generative Experience, yet its goal is evident – pushing searchers toward more conversational searches. Marketers should prepare themselves with SGE-oriented SEO strategies for website when considering and approaching search strategies in the future. SGE allows users to refine their queries further by entering conversational mode and asking follow-up questions. 

Google stresses that SGE should not replace traditional search results; rather, it provides concise overviews and pointers to aid decision-making; traditional results will offer more in-depth and diverse information on a topic or product. SGE opens up an extra space above regular search engine results that provide an AI-powered overview and list of sources worth investigating further. It also employs an in-depth understanding of a user’s query to give the most-reliable ai generated search results.

With SGE in effect, businesses will need to optimize their content and explore alternative revenue streams as organic search visibility drops off. Rethinking SEO strategy may also become necessary as SGE ads may dominate space on search results pages – potentially leading to direct e-commerce sales rather than sending users away to an actual website. Get in touch with e intelligence now and give your business the adeptness it deserves to deal with Google’s Search Generative Experience!