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SEO Strategies for Finance Business- E intelligence Blog

SEO is a great way to generate some classy traffic.

While it only works with some well-planned strategies, the initial efforts can be constituted for the trial and error kind.

Either way, the entire point of investing time and money in SEO is to get more visitors on your website, and there are many ways to do that.

In this article, you shall read about the strategies e-Intelligence implemented to improve the results of our eminent Finance client in terms of organic traffic. They are an Advisory Service Provider in India. Thus, reading the article shall give you a crystal-clear idea related to working on SEO for the Finance business.

Oh, and we’re sharing strategies of how the traffic increases from 411 sessions to 1,156 sessions.

Alright, let’s have a look at what we have achieved for our client.


With some fantastic efforts made by our team, we were able to gain a 181.27% hike in the number of organic sessions within a span of just two months!


Well, so there was no doubt that this newly attained increment would also affect how the organic sessions would begin to increase. It is essential to be aware when considering SEO for the Finance sector.


Daily clicks also increased exponentially due to the vast sums of increase in organic traffic.

So you see, SEO works like a chain reaction.

Positively affecting one part will have a ripple effect, and you’ll see some great results for your website.

Were you surprised by looking at these results? We sure hope you were!

We are proud of ourselves for overcoming various hurdles like:

  • Less relevant pages for targeted keywords
  • Dealing with a competitive niche
  • Less visibility of the website in terms of searches
  • More competition with keyword targeting

You want higher numbers in traffic, but if it isn’t targeted traffic, then it is not worth it.

We have jotted down some pointers regarding how we developed an innovative and relevant SEO for a financial website (as we already read above the niche of the client is Finance) with technical SEO and on-page SEO activities.

SEO Strategies for Finance Niche Website:

1. Focusing on Local Citations

We began working on two crucial aspects to improve search results for our client:

  • Create listings on some of the quintessential top listing websites to drive more traffic.
  • Create a Google My Business listing along with optimizing the page with specific keywords.

If your business is based locally, and you’re putting in efforts to increase your global SEO, then you’re wasting your time.

Unless you have local SEO under control, you can’t really make progress locally, where your business is actually based and should be making money from.

So what we did is we added keywords specific to the region of our client’s business, which is Finance, and lured in customers based in the same or near locality. It makes sense, doesn’t it?

When your local SEO is on point, you increase your chances of showing up on the first page of SERPs, at least for local searches. This is how we crossed our first path in conquering SEO for the Finance business.

2. Google My Business Listing

As we mentioned before, we created a Google My Business listing and began working on it. But that wasn’t enough. Our talented executives made sure that we posted informational content regularly and thus gradually saw an improvement in the local SEO results.

Since it is one of the most critical ways of ensuring that your business shows up to potential users and clients, it must be your most substantial step as a growing business.

3. Guest Posting

Whoever said that the guest posting strategy didn’t work anymore, was wrong. It’s still a thing, and we’re confident that it will always be a thing. What we discovered is, when approaching SEO for Finance – relevance, content, and thought leadership are all crucial. We put in our efforts in the right direction and added some guest posts onto reputable sites, with the client’s permission, of course.

We knew it could get us more website traffic than if we didn’t go through with it.

The first thing that our SEO experts found were websites that posted content related to our client’s market, i.e., valuation advisory services. Then, we sorted out the more authoritative sites from the less authoritative ones and pitched content to them. This step helped us in gaining traffic, successfully implementing SEO for financial websites.

Once we began posting great content for them, on these websites, we saw an increase in the website traffic.

4. Infographics and Authority Sculpting

You must already know about infographics. They’re a great way of increasing the search volume by promoting these informational graphics with keywords. We managed to acquire some excellent links with their help, and the result was, of course, an increase in traffic.

Once we had figured out our approach with infographics, we moved on to Authority Sculpting. For those of you who don’t know what it means, it is the method of strategically sharing authority from one page of your website to another via internal linking.

We figured since both of these techniques work individually, why wouldn’t they work when combined? So, we interlinked the infographic with another service page on their website as well. Voila!


We understand that this was a short blog, giving you an overview of SEO strategies that can be implemented, but wasn’t it worth it?

Looking at the metrics, you must have realized that these techniques do work, and they work well.

With patience and persuasive strategies, you can also achieve some great results and see that you gain higher organic traffic than before. There is no doubt that there will be hurdles in your way, but you need to have the time and endurance to create tactics to transform the performance of your website.

If you want our experts to work on generating organic traffic for your business website, then get in touch with us now!